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Feeling Good; Rehab 1yr anniversary

 It is a good afternoon in Linden Guyana! I am not doing much and I am feeling good. My right eye feels a little funny but I feel good overa...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Thursday, February 29, 2024


 In 2014, I used KickStarter.com to obtain funding for LifeLessonsForAll.com. It was a good/learning experience - the first time I used crowdfunding for a project. I learned a lot. 

Backers or investors can range from the small/average man to financial institutions. Crowdfunding can be used to finance not only small projects but large-scale projects and businesses online. I am not surprised that crowdfunding is touted as a financing model that has tons of potential for developing countries.

It appears that crowdfunding is not used a lot in Guyana just yet.

More fruit

 Good morning from Linden, Guyana! I went out walking this morning.

I have another fresh (just-picked) papaw/papaya today! More fruit for me to enjoy!

Another Paper in ResearchGate

 I added another paper as a preprint in ResearchGate. The paper was created from a PhD assignment (for Northcentral University's PhD-Level Business Environment course) to use theories to create a marketing plan.

Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378555394_PaperForPublishing_MarketingArgumentsForUseOfMktgProf12-10-2022

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Paper in ResearchGate

 I added my paper on technology solutions for hand hygiene compliance as a preprint in ResearchGate. The paper was based on a signature assignment I prepared at Northcentral University (w.taskstream.com/ts/moore783/SignatureAssignmentProposalMonitoring.html/acf5e6eq00akfcfkf7e8edfefl).

View the preprint here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378547801_Are_Technology_Solutions_For_Hand_Hygiene_Compliance_A_Better_Option_For_Improving_Compliance_Rates. I made a lot of changes to the signature assignment paper. It is significant for a discussion on the economics of IT.


 I saw this post about patience. It made me think of self control and emotional intelligence.


 Good morning from Linden, Guyana!

I had buns with my green tea this morning. It was a gift to my mother from a neighbor. I made the green tea as I usually do.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


I thought of the kukrit and just started writing...

The kukrit is not considered as essential as the apple

The fruit is also not substantial

It is small and it is not filling as it does not provide a lot of stuff to eat

Just like the awara.

It is not to be ignored, however

It is not orange like the awara, but it is special

The head has a brownish leaf-like cover, a pattern

The rest of the fruit a brown color and pointed at the bottom

It reminds of the acorn from the Ice Age movie.

I like that it is somewhat milky

It grows on a palm tree like the awara

It is not useful for oil like the awara, however.

Green Tea

 I am enjoying warm matcha green tea, a gift from my sister. It is very good! It is a good day in Linden, Guyana!

Perseverance; Bible Verse; Paper on Motivation

 Did you know that the Holy Bible supports/calls for perseverance? The website https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/perseverance-bible-verses/ provides ten verses on perseverance. My favorite is: 

James 1:12: Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

The verse just motivates!

This reminds me of one of my papers that discussed motivation. In the paper, I mentioned different types of motivation such as the motivation to go on a cruise and the motivation to use a new application such as a game app. It took a while to research and write. I reviewed lots and lots of journal articles to select five that complement each other and tell a story. The paper started with an analysis of five journal articles -using the format of a paper for my Qualitative Research class at Northcentral University (ncu.edu). I revised the paper several times and ended up with a version I was very proud of.  I blogged about submitting an early version of the paper in this post: fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2023/01/another-paper-submitted.html.

Across a Bridge

Good morning from Linden, Guyana! I did not go out for a walk today.

Today I am remembering my walk across the I-75 overpass (a 'bridge' over a major highway) when I started singing the Jim Reeves song ' Across the Bridge.' I just thought of the song and started singing. The overpass was less than a mile from my apartment in Gainesville, Florida. The apartment community had a well stocked gym, but I frequently walked outdoors because I enjoyed it and learned a lot about the area. I lived there for two years.

I first heard that song when I lived in my childhood home in Linden. A neighbor liked playing Jim Reeves. We called that neighbor Mr. Earl.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Ice Cream to Cool Down

 I went out for ice cream with my mother to cool down from the heat. I settled on the chocolate flavor. It tasted like I expected - like cocoa. It was cold and good!

Update - Feb 26

Good midday from Linden, Guyana!

It is a breezy Monday. I don't mind the hot temperatures as much.

The most boring city in the world?

The most boring city in the world? I stumbled upon this video by K. Martin that highlighted that Belgium is called the most boring city in the world: https://youtu.be/7bJQ0t5tZi4?si=PQLgXTiAGkvBd9H6.

I don't believe it. He didn't believe it either. Where did that originate? A basic Google search provides impressive information about Belgium. For example, the headquarters for the European Union is in Belgium.

Fruit Drink

 A few days ago, I saw that the WordPress Prompt for the Day was a question on the best drink. I am responding now.

When I think of drink I think of fruit. I eat a lot of fruit. A significant percentage of those fruits make really good drink. The top fruits for drink are: passion fruit, plum, golden apple, guava, Caribbean cherry, citrus fruits such as grapefruit, and carambola (five-finger). The drink is made by extracting the flavor/juice from the fruit then adding sugar and water. 

Did you know that some fruits are never used to make drink? Some are avocado (pear), kukrit, banana, and starapple.

Sunday, February 25, 2024


 I received a question on my food tracking and weight loss (related to my post about my past food blog). Thank you for your feedback.

Question: How is your weight loss journey though?

My answer shown below.


Here is an update from Linden, Guyana!

 My father is here! He traveled from Maryland yesterday. 

The hot weather continues. It is 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius). It feels like 100 degrees! 

Design Ideas

 My moorefo1 Instagram account has design ideas I really should work on or develop. For instance, there is an idea named 'Quarter ounce of gold.'

Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf_hhMfj5li/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

LinkedIn poll

Good morning from Linden, Guyana!

I used the poll feature in LinkedIn to pose a question for users/individuals all over the world some minutes ago. It is amazing what you can do with a computer and an internet connection. I hope I get a lot of responses.

I consider it preliminary work for research.

Bible Verse

 Isaiah 5:20. What is described will dismantle someone's life.

Saturday, February 24, 2024


  Over seven years ago, I used plates to create wall art/hangings in Gainesville. I saved a photo of my favorite homemade wall hanging from Gainesville in one of my Instagram accounts. It is shown below (the lines to the right are lines from window blinds). Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/3bY08KmtRm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link.

Recently, I used paper plates instead of a book for my poems and I like it! I created the 'plate art' below that shows "I trust in Almighty God" when I created the poems. I didn"t have a marker. I used what I had.

Some more poems...

Here are some more poems I "thought up" during the blackout. 

I was writing poems since high school. I recall that I wanted quotes, poems, and other words of wisdom for my green folder book in high school. I wrote at least one poem that I added to the book. (Find more on the green folder book in this previous post: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2023/08/labels.html)

Why I stopped updating my food blog

 I stopped updating my food blog about 5 years ago. The main purpose of the blog was to track my food intake for weight loss. I enjoyed updating the blog, but found that I was including information about my PhD assignments, food background, and so on. I started a project to combine the information, including information captured in other accounts, in one place.

This blog (Inside Fahmeena Odetta's Head) is the "one place" that combines information I posted in various places in the past. 

The food blog provided many benefits. In addition to assisting with my weight loss, it was used for "research." For example, I experimented with account setup and wrote about my experience in the following articles:

- Tips For Using Instagram With Flickr, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tips-using-instragram-flickr-fahmeenaodetta-moore/

- Setting Up My Photo Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/setting-up-my-photo-blog-fahmeenaodetta-moore/

The articles were "How to" articles that provided training.

Fruit Salad for Breakfast

Good morning from Linden, Guyana! I went out for a brief time at around 6am this morning.

I would like a good fruit salad for my breakfast this morning. Did you know that fruit is a good option for breakfast? Years ago, I made a banana and apple fruit salad that would be really good right now.

That fruit salad is shown below (from my past food blog). It reminds me of a fruit salad I made in Home Economics class at President's College. 


fruit salad - from my food blog, https://moorefo1wl.blogspot.com/2018/01/happy-new-year-folks-this-is-pic-of-my.html)

Friday, February 23, 2024


 Good midday from Linden, Guyana!

It is lunchtime. I am having cheese straw, (commercial) ginger beer, Malta, and a 'different' bread known as Pastries. It is very similar to coco bread and butterflap.


Watermelon is good on a hot day

The red fruit cool, juicy, and very filling

I enjoyed several chunks of watermelon just two days ago

It was not the oh-so-sweet watermelon I remember but it was good

It was similar to a glass of guava drink or other juice or even a smoothie.

It reminded me of an experience at my apartment in Gainesville

The apartment management supplied watermelon and more

To residents who needed a break

It was a good day.

Thank God for those that feed others by having a picnic for residents to get to know each other, by providing food for the needy, and so on.

(Photo of my plate shown below. I used the photo in a cover photo. Facebook has the history of photos used in this blog.)


 My legs are better.

Morning Walk

 It is 6:33am. I went out for a short walk today (Mash Day). There was some mist/frost.

Thursday, February 22, 2024


The colors of the costumes and outfits worn during Mashramani (Mash) in Guyana are very bright. I believe the colors are based on the Guyana flag as well as colors in the environment - the color of birds, flowers, and so on.

Mash 2024

Mashramani (Mash) is in full swing in Guyana! 

As expected, the Costume and Float parade (the main event) is tomorrow, the 23rd. The Mashramani calendar also shows there will be a Literary Festival and a Mash horse race, among other Mash events. Those were surprises! The horse race reminds me of the Triple Crown races in the U.S.

I saw photographs and video of Mash events during the past week. I saw people having a lot of fun! I will miss the fun tomorrow. 

Plain Language

I joined a plain language LinkedIn group today.  Some do not like plain language but it has many benefits.

Bible Verse

From Colossians Chapter 3:

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

It could be that these verses apply to people enslaved only. I am not a slave but can benefit from the sentiment. Slavery should not be an issue in these times but it is. I do not wish to be a slave to anything.

View of professors

 Here is a question for you: What is your view of and experience with professors?

Some view professors as studious, boring individuals. I do not believe professors should be labeled that way. Some professors are actually young, cool individuals. Some professors take on interesting projects. Some professors write interesting books you would expect from other working professionals. I do not want to be a boring professor/trainer.

Morning Mist

 There is a little mist or frost this morning.

President's College

 I included a short description of President's College in my LinkedIn profile. The school offered subjects/courses that were not offered at other secondary schools at the time. Technical Drawing was one of those courses. Computer Studies was another.

Seeing or Viewpoint

Good morning from Linden, Guyana! I got up early today.

I am remembering one of my favorite posts that showed how your angle determines what you see. I used photographs of a house for sale in the post to highlight what someone would see from different positions - similar to the different angles/views in Technical Drawing. In one position (from the front - one of the front elevation), only two of the three garage doors could be seen. From the side, the house looked very long. Seeing is clearly important.

I believe that was one of my best posts in that project.


 Thank you for the likes to my Poems post. As I mentioned in one of the videos, I am working on a book of poems. The goal is to write/create an award-winning book (not self-published)!