FEATURED POST - To view full post, click the title below

Feeling Good; Rehab 1yr anniversary

 It is a good afternoon in Linden Guyana! I am not doing much and I am feeling good. My right eye feels a little funny but I feel good overa...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Thursday, August 31, 2023

God Of Miracles And Wonders

You are the God of miracles and wonders!

God of miracles and wonders...Pic by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

This likely inspired the song 'I believe' by Jonathan Nelson:

Jehovah You, I trust in you, O Lord
Jehovah You, I trust in you, O Lord
I believe ...
You are the God of miracles, You are the God of wonder(s)
You are the God all powerful,
I believe, I believe

Almighty God, the Alpha and Omega, The Great I Am, The Most High and Most Holy.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


I remember that bangs were a "thing" for many years during high school. I guess we liked the look. Our bangs were much different from the bangs shown in an article I found (Link to article: https://therighthairstyles.com/category/haircuts/hairstyles-with-bangs/). 

The article includes a collection of other articles on bangs. The article adds much value too.

Article on bangs from therighthairstyles.com(1)

Article on bangs from therighthairstyles.com(2)


I am working on a paper on knowledge sharing. I am currently reading more on how knowledge acquired from education, experiences, and so on (tacit knowledge) is shared. The topic is very interesting.

Paper: Sharing of Tacit Knowledge in Organizations: A Review
By Haradhan Kumar Mohajan

Screenshot of paper on tacit knowledge by H. K. Mohajan

Section of paper on knowledge sharing by Fahmeena Odetta Moore


There are a lot of areas that present difficulties right now.... a lot of difficult situations. There are issues with a package at USPS, payment delays, medical supply delays and a lot more.... similar to an overwhelming amount of windows open on a computer. The bright side of this is that I am mentally stronger.

Cognitive-Psychiatry.com Article






I need to order a new phone charger. I could use the Apple Store app on my phone to order. I will decide later.

'Apple Store' brings back good memories. I appreciated (and still do appreciate) the kindness of the people at the physical Apple Store in New York.

I also need to order a few items online.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A-Level Teacher

This is an idea for the future. My experience as a Substitute Teacher in Florida will be useful after all. I assisted with teaching at high schools (and other schools/levels too).

Screenshot A-Level Teacher


I found a quote by Steve Maraboli that reminded me of my green folder book in high school. (I mentioned this green folder book in a previous post on my Lessons Project. Link to post: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2022/07/life-lessons.html). I added a quote in the green book on the need for labels to inform others about the character of a person. The quote came from a Readers Digest magazine.

Screenshot showing Steve Maraboli quote by Fahmeena Odetta Moore


I found a class ring that reminded me of my gold ring from President's College.
I also liked a lord's prayer ring I found on etsy.com. This is a good idea.










Monday, August 28, 2023

Good Food

Yesterday it was green tea. I also had food from Papa John's.






Today it is soup/broth. Maybe I'll have some green tea later. All light choices today.


I created under-the-hood blogs to show how I prepared my papers. The blog for the Research Methods course was the first and one of my favorites. The link to the blog is: https://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/. I used a lot of economics principles during the course.

The following blog post is an example of an under-the-hood post to show a typical day in the blogger's life (what tasks she completes and how):
I am thinking of making a Day In My Life blog post similar to this.


A blog post should be cited in the following manner in academic documents, according to the APA Style 7th Edition:

Lastname, F. M. (Year, Month Date). Title of post. Publisher. URL

(One source on the APA 7th edition requirements: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_electronic_sources.html)  

Screenshot of A Day In My Life blog post


Preparing for the GCE A-Level examinations (at President's College) was tough. The school had trouble finding teachers and came up with out-of-the-box solutions. The Accounting class traveled to the University of Guyana for classes (a professional from the Accounting Department taught the class). Another lecturer visited the school to teach Statistics. We did not have an Economics teacher (O-Levels was much better).
The trip to UG was tiring but also fun. We traveled by minibus. I recall that the bus driver smiled a lot. He seemed pleased to have the job.

I learned a little bit about the UG campus then. We had classes in any available classroom in the Education building, which was at the front of the UG campus. We saw some of the hustle and bustle of the campus from that building. For some strange reason, I was interested in the trees near the front of the Education building. I learned that they were ackee trees.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Special Trip For A Performance While At Watooka Day School

I recall that I was a part of something special when I was a student at Watooka Day School (then a top primary school in my hometown Linden, Guyana). I played the flutophone with other members of the school flutophone band in the capital city Georgetown (I think that was our only performance outside of Linden). The trip to Georgetown was a long one (as usual). We stayed at the Pegasus Hotel, the best hotel in Georgetown, for a short while to rest before performing.

The Jaguar, T-Shirts On Amazon.com

I stumbled upon this eye-catching video of a jaguar by Visit Guyana:

The Jaguar
Considered the king of the Amazon jungle (https://amazonexplorer.com/the-jaguar-panthera-onca-the-king-of-the-amazon-jungle/)
Looks like a leopard
Included on Guyana's Coat-of-Arms
The Black Jaguar is known as the Black Panther

I saw a t-shirt showing Guyana's Coat-of-Arms for sale on Amazon.com. I wasn't aware that designers sold t-shirts on Amazon.com. Maybe I could follow in his/her footsteps (sell my Who Am I collection on Amazon.com).

Friday, August 25, 2023

Update 8/25

I want to move soon. I just had a very unpleasant experience. It was unbelievable and very unfair. Life is difficult right now.

I ordered Papa John's just before things went downhill. I was outside when the food arrived. 
(There was an issue with the delivery, but the food was good. The first driver did not have one of the items. A second driver brought the missing item).

Now I am on the computer, listening to the radio to calm down further. Music is calming. Everything is much better already. Hopefully, Allstate will transfer my payment soon.

Fahmeena Odetta Moore's Music Moves Me Board

Continuing My Review of CNBC Make It Videos

GP Stephan's story is interesting. His hard work clearly paid off - you see his awards and beautiful home. He continues to work hard. Sitting at his desk for at least 10 hours per day is normal for him. He was lucky to discover Las Vegas through a friend. It appears that he moved there primarily because it was more economical (he could accomplish more for less). I don't really understand the superstitious thing.

(Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfxxFE3gqAM or https://youtu.be/AfxxFE3gqAM?si=k2LHwSquGaYoJKyN)

CNBC Make It video on GP Stephan

Thursday, August 24, 2023


My previous post (the post added earlier today) made me think of the first signature assignment I prepared at NCU, which was on online reviews. While preparing that signature assignment, I learned that a consumer review is considered more believable if it is balanced or neutral. One-sided reviews are not as believable. The analysis provided additional information on why a review may be one-sided. A review may be one-sided or biased because of the reviewer's field of specialization, beliefs, or background/experiences. The motivation for some of the reviews seemed to be to contribute to the discussion or add their "two cents." The intent was not always clear. It is interesting that the concept map I prepared as a step towards the signature assignment - based on selected papers in the literature - did not provide much information on intent. (Link to concept map: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2022/06/signature-assignment-on-online-reviews.html)

I found an article (research) on the PhD experience. I did not know there was research on this.

elifesciences.org magazine

Online Comments

There were interesting comments to the second video included in yesterday's post "Living On $27K A Year In Seattle, WA", including a video commentary by GP Stephan....

The video itself had 677 comments. Some YouTube users liked her attitude and that she has a plan, praised her decision to follow her dreams by switching to education from business, and were impressed that she saved so much money in four years. Some confirmed that income for PhD students are very low. Some were very negative. One user commented:
"At the end she says living on 27k/year in Seatle is doable, but she's spending $3300/month (almost 40k/year) plus racking up other CC debt. She's buying $300 perfumes and HelloFresh because she's somehow smart enough to get a PhD but can't figure out shopping on her own, WHILE owing her brother 15k+?  Doesn't sound very doable to me. You guys should have interviewed her brother instead."

And, there were 266 comments to GP Stephan's video. Some were based on his comments. 

I thought of the sacrifice needed. I found it interesting that she purchases perfumes. It is a lot like purchasing and enjoying ice cream.





 (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znZCU6W3yBc or https://youtu.be/znZCU6W3yBc?si=W3qQxZGopzTcYaP_)

(Link to GP Stephan's video commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c973JAK33_s or


Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Two videos from CNBC make it:

The lesson: Persistence pays off. At first, there was limited success. Her persistence led to one success after another.
This reminds me of my story preparing journal articles. I am almost there.

The PhD student earning much less while completing her PhD:

Password Sharing

From Twitter....

Twitter post






Comments to Twitter post-1






Comments to Twitter post-2






Community Input

The blog post shown below provides examples of creative ways to obtain feedback/input from the public (rather than use a survey). Members of the community have fun providing feedback about their community using cards, drink coasters, voicemail, and so on. One example is a photo contest so there is some competition involved. This fun approach would likely lead to more participation (more responses/input, i.e. more quantity). Would a more structured approach lead to higher quality responses?

Community input without a survey

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Academic Writing

Interesting post from LinkedIn.com....

The post included a link to a blog post on academic writing.

Excerpt from included blog post:

Blog post on academic writing

(Link: Academic writing as craft. As a graduate student, I never received… | by Julien Cayla | Aug, 2023 | Medium)

The blog post explained that it takes a long time to master writing. Deliberate practice can lead to mastery in a shorter time.

My comment:

Comment by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Update 8/22

I received the items I ordered online. That was really fast delivery!

Delivery email Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Delivery shown at door for Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Palmer's cocoa butter for Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Deodorant for Fahmeena Odetta Moore

I also spent some time reviewing apartment options in Florida.

Customer Service

I am on the phone quite a lot dealing with appointment issues, records issues, and so on. Sometimes I am amazed how long it takes to reach a representative (I am on hold for a long time). Sometimes it takes several calls. Once, I made it clear that I wanted one option but ended up with something else (when the information was processed). Overall, I manage to explain what I need, highlight issues, and do what I need to. I would prefer to use the computer to submit requests, check status, and so on, but there seems to be a need for customer service representatives. The customer service could be better. 

Monday, August 21, 2023


Condo prices are not as high as I expected. The condo fees are high, however. The fees may be worth it if there are amenities/features such as a gym, pool, and a computer/community center. What if the house hunter does not plan to use a lot of the amenities though? I found an interesting discussion on this on a forum (https://forums.redflagdeals.com/possible-reduce-condo-fees-not-using-condo-amenities-gym-pool-media-room-1400136/)

Database courses

I am reminded of database courses I completed at NCU. I learned a lot.
I learned about data mining, OLAP, knowledge management, and data protection/loss.

For the database administration and management course, MIS 7002, I needed to prepare a signature assignment. It required me to prepare a 12-page organizational intelligence policy. I was proud of this assignment.

There was a paper on the knowledge and skills needed for specific database positions (by different database professionals or people who work with databases). I need to think about these issues for my situation.

One of the papers I prepared during the course was similar to a document I prepared on an audit project at Grant Thornton. I pulled together the federal and state regulations/rules, standards, and policies that pertain to data protection.

There was a presentation on data mining (https://youtu.be/H4crCeJegGY). I recall that I used my background to select data mining examples. Under-the-hood information on this assignment (in the course blog) reminded me that I prepared it in the computer lab for residents of my Gainesville apartment community (http://fmooredbadminmngtsiga.blogspot.com/2016/10/assignment-submitted.html). Posts and pictures in the blog bring back a lot of memories. I recall the cover photo / header picture that I designed for my social media accounts. My photos of a small cathedral-like church in Gainesville are shown. I stopped taking food to the lab.

I prepared a presentation on an example of failed decision-making at Amazon.
(Link to presentation: https://youtu.be/0BHOs4FlLcg)

Online order

I recently submitted an online order for a few "everyday products." I have always purchased everyday items from stores such as CVS Pharmacy and Walmart (in person). I needed to order the items online. The order included a jar/tub of Palmer's cocoa butter and other personal items.

In a previous post, I mentioned that I use Red Fox Tub O'Butter for skin care (link to post: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2023/01/dry-skin.html). The Red Fox Tub O'Butter is good for dry skin (especially in the winter). I wanted the Palmer's to deal with a particular problem.

INTERESTING TIDBIT: People use different terms to refer to day-to-day products/items. I found a website that provides a list of synonyms for day-to-day things:

Everyday items


Saturday, August 19, 2023

A notes person

I create/use a lot of electronic notes - notes in Notepad, Sticky Notes, One Note, Evernote, and Notes (Apple phone). I use one of these options across (all my) devices, i.e. I create some notes on my computer, I create some on my phone etc. I am able to create a note on one device (using the application) and view or edit it in another. I am thinking of updating a LinkedIn article I published on my note-taking.

Instagram account - Summary and Detail views


 moorefo1 Instagram account(2)






High school

I recently shared a photo of my high school graduation. I looked very happy in the photo. I had good reason to be happy. I was the youngest student in my batch and graduated on time. There were minimum requirements for graduation. There were also minimum requirements to move forward each year (from grade to grade). 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Sloppy clothing

Interesting post....

(Link to post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/juliehyne_professionalwomen-womeninleadership-styleforlife-activity-7096999629568839680-BU1-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)

Is this the reason why there is so much "sloppy clothing" for sale? It seems to be a brand.

The LinkedIn community had other interesting comments.

Comments to Sloppy post on LinkedIn.com

Usability Services

I saw a notice that the government intends to procure the services of a specific company to provide a tool for usability purposes. It seems that there is much less competition than I thought (a sole source is necessary). I thought more firms were capable of providing that service. Could it be that the company is the only one with the technical know-how or facilities to provide the tool?

Usability services


Trust in the Lord is important.

Two verses on trust:

I trust in Almighty God.

Bible verse on trust

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Paper for publishing

One of the first papers I submitted for publishing was a paper to report the findings of my personal research project. I worked tirelessly on the paper. I was very proud of what I came up with (the manuscript containing the purpose of the study, methodology, 7Ps, and analysis). The paper summarized my research, which included categorization of the thousands of quotes, success stories, and so on posted on the social media pages for the project (example of a social media page: https://www.facebook.com/lifelessons1) and analysis of linkages/relationships. I hope the paper will be published soon.

Some highlights (from a document showing early versions of the paper/my workings):

Excerpt of paper for publishing by Fahmeena Odetta Moore(1)

Excerpt of paper for publishing by Fahmeena Odetta Moore(2)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Daily prompt question:

What is a word you feel that too many people use?

My response:

Project is overused (not necessarily a bad thing). There are projects at the country level, organization level, and personal level; projects by different types of professionals (IT professionals, economics professionals, and so on); and projects completed by executives, managers, individuals, and students. I worked on different types of projects at different organizations. I completed a personal research project. I completed projects as part of the requirements for a pass at the GCE A-Level Statistics examinations. I also completed projects at the O-Level (for Computer Studies).

Wordpress daily prompt 8/16

A happy moment

Obtaining that high school diploma….

High school graduation Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Just a thought, isn't it interesting that riders of horses are placed in a power position?
The saddle provides comfort. The stirrups could be adjusted so that the legs hang at just the right place. Riders kick the side of the animal to cause it to move. Some riders wear boots with spikes to cause pain to the animal. The reins control the animal.

I rode horses during high school. I recall that it was fun too.


Monday, August 14, 2023

Management issues, Transition from individual contributor to manager

The decision-making aspect of this area (transition from individual contributor to manager) is very interesting. It seems as though the individual contributor has to be a very high performer to know the level of work that other people should be contributing/performing. He/she probably sees it as a problem area that needs fixing and sees that a certain type of manager is needed. He/she probably wants to come up with ways (or maybe already thought of ways) to get people to achieve the level of performance needed. Also, when I read this post, I thought of an attitude this individual contributor may have. What leads a person to decide that others cannot perform their job as well? 

My post on this topic in February 2023:

The post I read, my comment to that post, and an update to my LinkedIn research profile shown below.

LinkedIn post on Steve Jobs' idea on how an individual contributor should become a manager

 (Link to LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7096264070479151104/)

Comment on how an individual contributor should become a manager by Fahmeena Odetta Moore


(My comment to the LinkedIn post)

Screenshot showning update to the Linkedin research profile of Fahmeena Odetta Moore