FEATURED POST - To view full post, click the title below

Feeling Good; Rehab 1yr anniversary

 It is a good afternoon in Linden Guyana! I am not doing much and I am feeling good. My right eye feels a little funny but I feel good overa...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Out And About 7/31/2022

It was good to be out and about again today. I visited the gym then made some stops.

I found some interesting research on outdoor spaces:

Outdoor blue spaces, human health and well-being: A systematic review of quantitative studies
By: Mireia Gascon, Wilma Zijlema, Cristina Vert, Mathew P. White, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen

"A growing body of literature suggests that natural outdoor environments might help reduce stress, promote physical activity and social relationships and potentially improve human health and well-being."










Saturday, July 30, 2022

Social Media and Mental Health Disorders

This is an interesting research question:

How could monitoring the language used by social media users help with early detection of mental disorders?

(It is from the paper: An emotion and cognitive based analysis of mental health disorders from social media data, By: Ana-Sabina Uban, Berta Chulvi, Paolo Rosso, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167739X21001825).

To research this question, the researcher needs some (maybe expert) knowledge of psychiatry. I do not have this knowledge. I think I need to partner with an expert to conduct this research. I have some ideas, but anyone interested?









Friday, July 29, 2022


I was at the lake this morning (the lake that is close to my old Running Deer Way address & the lake used in my article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140819111220-6733373-inspiration-from-a-lake-in-maryland/).
I am a little tired these days but still trying to get things done.
I joined a gym to lose weight, but the energy to exercise is lacking. I need to lose a lot of weight though.

Pictures from the lake:



































































Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Papers On Cell Phone Data Collection

I looked for articles related to my study on cell phone data collection (I am still seeking funding). I found some good ones. Three examples are:

Your privacy for a discount? Exploring the willingness to share personal data for personalized offers
By: Frode Alfnes, Ole Christian Wasenden

A process-oriented approach to respecting privacy in the context of mobile phone tracking
By: Gabriella M Harari

Capturing location-privacy preferences: quantifying accuracy and user-burden tradeoffs
By: Michael Benisch, Patrick Gage Kelley, Norman Sadeh & Lorrie Faith Cranor

I am thinking of writing a literature review for publishing.
This is related to decision-making, but is also privacy and mobile phones - additional topics.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Posts On Journal Articles

I found some interesting journal articles that informed me of issues and made me think of "possibilities." I wrote about them in LinkedIn. Here are the posts:

Post 1








My issue today: automation. Just yesterday, I wrote that systems will be assisting with the creation of diagrams in software development (see post: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2022/07/change.html). In past jobs, I have been praised for diagrams I created. I understand why people would resist automation.

I did not realize that automation is an issue for hand hygiene. I found an article that argues: "Human observation is the gold standard for measuring compliance, but its utility is increasingly being questioned with calls for the use of video monitoring approaches" (see article here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0196655322001511). This seems like a valid argument.

Did you see my proposal for a study on hand hygiene compliance monitoring and its effects on performance and employee satisfaction? Two of the research questions are:

RQ1: Do technology solutions that monitor hand hygiene compliance result in improved employee performance in the short-term because employees develop the habit of cleaning/washing their hands (i.e. is there a steady increase in performance that peaks at a certain level – performance follows an asymptotic curve)?

RQ2: What is the longer-term performance impact of implementing a technology solution that monitors hand hygiene compliance, i.e. the performance impact after 1 year and beyond (after 3, 4, 5 years etc.)?

Read it here: https://w.taskstream.com/ts/moore783/SignatureAssignmentProposalMonitoring.html/acf5e6eq00akfcfkf7e8edfefl

#automation #handhygiene #videomonitoring #research #phdresearch #healthcare

Post 2

This journal article provides valuable information on the career decision-making process:

Journal article: Making better career decisions: From challenges to opportunities
By: Itamar Gatia, Viktória Kulcsár

#career #decisionmaking #jobs #jobsearch #psychology #technology

Post 3

Interesting paper on the effectiveness of a mandatory program for the unemployed in Denmark:

Journal article: How to help unemployed find jobs quickly: Experimental evidence from a mandatory activation program
By: Brian Krogh Graversen, Jan C. van Ours

#unemployedtraining #unemployment #hr #job

Monday, July 25, 2022


I looked up recorders for sale online and saw recorders similar to the one a friend gave me many, many years ago (the one that plays music). I still have that recorder. It is chipped but it still works. I will post a pic later. I still appreciate what she did.

Music is such as important part of my life. If you know anything about me, you know that I love music.

I played that recorder at the funerals of both grandmothers. 


More practice today.

Today I am thinking of change. Prices change, people change, places change, and so on. Price increases, such as the increase in gas prices, are usually negative changes for the consumer; people don't like them very much. From economic theory, I know that consumers sometimes (maybe want to) find substitutes for goods when the price increases.

Consider diagramming. At one point, UML was the predominant language/notation used for creating diagrams. Then there was BPMN. Now, systems will assist with the creation of diagrams. I was an evaluator of a prototype to create class diagrams from requirements. I thought the diagrams created by the system were a good starting point for Analysts who need to create these diagrams. I created and submitted models/diagrams to show how the diagrams may differ when a person -the Analyst - creates it. The author Tiantian Tang actually thanked me in the acknowledgements. That was cool.

The paper:

From Natural Language to UML Class Models: An Automated Solution Using NLP to Assist Requirements Analysis
By Tiantian Tang

I realize that I have knowledge of the "old" diagrams (DFDs and so on) as well as newer UML and BPMN diagrams. I probably should pay more attention to diagramming. The following blog has examples of diagrams I prepared for a job search process:


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Usability Event And Petition

I stumbled upon a very interesting usability event and petition - World Usability Day 2022.
The goal is to establish World Usability Day as an internationally observed day listed on the United Nations calendar.
Excited that usability could go major internationally.



Saturday, July 23, 2022

Life Lessons

I have been researching/testing my determinants of success (my 7Ps) on LinkedIn. I benefited from some posts and comments.

Main LinkedIn page: linkedin.com/in/fahmeenamoore/


I developed the 7Ps from my Life Lessons project. It was after analysis of quotes, proverbs, graduation stories, and so on on achievement and success. I created analysis groups/categories - which I shared on social media (on Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, and so on). I called the categories themes and there was a different theme each week.

I started the project in Facebook many years ago. I wasn't thinking of a high school project/book that I had when I started it, but I realize the projects are pretty much identical. In high school, I collected quotes, stories, and so on in a green folder book. I recall that I wanted the lyrics of the song Desiderata in the book so I spent some time capturing the lyrics of the song. There was also a Mistaken Identity story.

Desiderata was the number one song in my first top songs list created for the Lessons Project.
I guess a lot of things in my life started in Guyana, South America.

Research LinkedIn page: linkedin.com/in/fahmeenaodetta/

Friday, July 22, 2022

Social Media Research

Surprising findings from research I found today....

Forecasting corporate credit ratings using big data from social media
By: Yuh-Jen Chen and Yuh-Min Chen

"Social media represents an alternative method for financial institutions to determine corporate credit ratings. ... The experimental results of this research show that the accuracy of corporate credit rating prediction based on social media big data is higher than that of traditional financial report, corporate governance and macroeconomic indicators."

Just wow. Interesting to know that social media could provide results that are better than results using traditional financial statements/reports.
The study used social media data in Taiwan.
The paper assumes that individuals will provide their opinions on social media. 

In a statistics paper, I proposed research on the how well social media posts provide information on ethical culture and also predict business failure.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Contribution to Queen's Library

I recently contributed funds to the fundraising campaign of one of my PC friends who "helped me out" in NY (in Facebook). I am truly grateful for the assistance during my time of need.

I am thinking of contributing funds to the Queen's Library in New York - the main library I used in New York when I was stranded to research and write my PhD papers. I noticed the Donate button on their website that I visited just today.

My mother always encouraged me to say "thank you" to folks who assisted me in some way. I guess I get that from her. Come to think of it, my mother is the one who got me into creating greeting cards and design. In my (immediate) family, we made greeting cards to celebrate birthdays.

I wrote "very good" papers in New York. I recall the paper on HR Strategy at Google (screenshots of the paper-in-progress shown in this blog post: http://fmoorephdbus7110.blogspot.com/2018/09/paper-in-progress.html). For that paper, I needed to select a company to analyze their HR strategy. I wanted to focus on NY Transit, but that fell through. I stumbled upon Google. I found excellent resources in the library that made the difference. For example, I found an excellent book
that provided insights on Google's work rules (the last picture/image at the end of the blog post: http://fmoorephdbus7110.blogspot.com/2018/09/week-4-assignmentjournal-articles.html)

The general blog for the course showing "under the hood" information is: http://fmoorephdbus7110.blogspot.com/

Will contributing to the library present an ethical issue?

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Company Layoffs

I noticed on LinkedIn that a lot of companies are laying off employees. This is a signal that an economic downturn may be on the way. This is unfortunate. During difficult times, people lose jobs, people earn less, people lose their homes, and so on. This is so unfortunate.

I have had to deal with such issues in the past.

Making money during difficult times reminds me of my grandmother (and family in general). My grandmother knew how to "make a dollar." She once asked me to sell mangoes by the roadside in Linden which helped me understand the value of a dollar. I am from an "entrepreneurial" family.

Hopefully, it won't take months and months to find a job. If I find it difficult to find a job, continued work on my independent projects may be the way to go. I could do more design.

LinkedIn page









Monday, July 18, 2022


My recent issue with McDonald's got me thinking about my paper on how companies (hotels specifically) respond to comments and feedback in online reviews. I liked that paper - An Annotated Bibliography dated November 15, 2015, graded by Professor Kuhn. I recall that I requested one of the journal articles used in the paper from Cornell University (through NCU). I was unable to view or download the paper (directly) from the NCU Library.

'An Annotated Bibliography' by Fahmeena Odetta Moore








McDonald's responded adequately to my complaint:  



















Saturday, July 16, 2022

Interesting Book


I like this book very much:

400 Inspirational ‘Make My Day’ Life Quotations and Life Tips

Interesting book








It is available here: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Martin_Jeszke_400_Inspirational_Make_My_Day_Life_Q?id=ZaniAAAAQBAJ
(I am not affiliated with the book in any way, shape or form)

The main work under my Lessons Project was to categorize/group lessons (words of wisdom, words of advice, graduation speeches, parables etc.) to look for inter-relationships, conflicts, and so on so that I can come up with core drivers of personal success. The result was my 7Ps for Success. I also decided to focus on struggle stories and also decided that learning from failure is important for success.

I posted lessons under those categories on all social media pages of the Lessons Project (at least 3 accounts). I no longer post lessons at this time.

I applied lessons from the project to my life - to my weight loss in the past and to a jobs search in the past (http://moorefo1.blogspot.com/). The project has also helped me find peace with events in my past.

LinkedIn Profile Updates

I updated my main LinkedIn profile. I updated the descriptions of two positions I held before moving into IT - the finance positions.  The description for the Financial Auditor position is more descriptive/detailed. I added information on data warehouse reports I assisted to develop (from the business side) to the Financial Analyst position. I should have added this information a long time ago.

I wish I could use my LinkedIn profile to apply for all performance auditing jobs. There is a lot of information in it. I may have to remove some details to make my job information fit on a 2-page resume.

I am sure I will also make changes to my resume for individual jobs. As you may be aware, there is usually the need to highlight specific experience/tasks for particular jobs. Right now, a performance auditing job is my top choice, followed by a management analyst position, followed by maybe a BA position. The actual job descriptions may change my mind though. I have a choice and I will take advantage of it.

My job search continues.

Main LinkedIn profile of Fahmeena Odetta Moore -1








Main LinkedIn profile of Fahmeena Odetta Moore -2









Friday, July 15, 2022

Presentation on Fraud

I discovered one of my presentations on the Pavlo fraud at MCI Worldcom online (https://slideplayer.com/slide/12912442/). It is interesting that Pavlo was a Christian who decided to engage in unethical activities. Even Christians can find themselves in trouble.

Screenshot of presentation on Pavlo

Career Match For My Strengths

I had a brainstorming session on my strengths and personality that led to career ideas for the future. It is a little late to be thinking about career possibilities, but I found the exercise interesting and rewarding.

I always believed I was a good person. At around age 7, I loved to read my Book of Bible Stories and learn of Almighty God.
I did not like to lie or cheat. I did not want to sin - I understood what sin was from the Book of Bible Stories.
I wanted to be perfect - to speak properly, to be clean and free of germs.
I am a fair person who does not like bias.
I am a loner who gets along with different types of people (people from different descents).
I have had a few mishaps so I know what it is like to mess up.

These are my innate abilities that suggest I should choose a career in ethics, a career such as investigations or auditing. 

Ethics has been a problem for more than a few years. A lot of people in business in the U.S. are unethical. With a reputation as an ethical person, I will be sought after for ethical careers, which is outstanding.

A person's credit report provides some indication of how responsible a person is and maybe how ethical he or she is. I have had some trouble in this area, but am doing better.

Light In The Darkness Pinterest Board 1





Light In The Darkness Pinterest Board 2



Thursday, July 14, 2022

Asking for Feedback

I am finally getting around to doing this. I've been meaning to do it for a while.
I am asking for comments, feedback, suggestions, and concerns, pretty much anything you have to say on my new blog, my LinkedIn profiles, my PhD papers, or my life. Something doesn't look right on my resume? Then tell me in a comment.

I know the feedback will provide valuable input. I am hoping they will be like lessons for
my improvement.

I prefer comments in Facebook. Just add a comment to my post on the Inside Fahmeena Odetta's Head page or on my general profile.

Of course, if you have any job tips for me, send them my way.

Job Options

I found an interesting position:

Job options from LinkedIn








This job is not ideal, but would support my PhD studies and research. This is something I can easily do and I would have time for other things. Looks like competition is fierce though.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

New Resume/CV

In one of my recent posts on LinkedIn, I mentioned that I was working on my resume/CV and having difficulties. "My background is complicated." I said. "It includes an internship in the middle of my career, design experience that intersects my BA experience, managerial experience from PhD coursework, and so on." I wondered whether I should use the services of a resume writer.

The externship/internship was such a rewarding experience. I did many things, thanks to the management at USPTO. I assisted with a usability study (the lab exercise part) for employees to evaluate video conferencing options. That experience was very useful to me (came in handy) during my PhD studies. The externship extended for several months longer than planned so I could say that it was a job. It is currently in the Education section of my LinkedIn profile because I got the externship through the school.

Writing a good resume is difficult. Even when I did not have much experience, I was unsure about what to include, what to place first, how best to describe my background, and so on. Then there was the issue of selling myself. I am from a conservative background. I felt uncomfortable about "talking up" my background. But this is required in the U.S.

I got very good at resume writing. I bought a resume writing book and studied the examples.

I don't think I could fit my background on a 2-3 page resume. Time will tell.

(Screenshots from LinkedIn. Related profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahmeenamoore/)

Commencement Documents

I found the 2010 UMBC Winter Commencement document online (at: https://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/digital/api/collection/UPUB/id/7857/download).  I am listed as a candidate for the Master's Degree from the College of Engineering and Information Technology on page 17 (see below). I actually missed my graduation/commencement ceremony, but I did graduate.








This reminds me of the graduation program created for my graduation ceremony at President's College. It contained a list of the candidates for graduation (graduands). Of course, my name was included there.

I don't believe George Washington University uses a commencement document. I do remember ordering a book/listing of all graduates from the university a long time ago. Maybe that is their thing.

This is a lot on education. I know some people don't view education as important or necessary for success. Come to think of it, years ago, when I was much younger, I did not want to complete a PhD. At some point, I believed it was the right thing to do based on my circumstances, and so on. And, I am happy I started that program.

Isn't it interesting that there was a guy with a PhD in my master's degree program at GW? And, later, there was a professor in my training program at Fannie Mae?

Just thoughts. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Seeking Research Funding

I have been busy. I am now seeking employment. I am also seeking funding for my research.
I updated my LinkedIn profile to reflect this. I also purchased the domain LifeLessonsForAll.com (mostly to hold it for future development). Let's see what comes first.

My LinkedIn profile lists several projects for funding:

- Funding of a proposal for a Website Improvement Study prepared for the Research Design course at NCU. "Under the hood" blog for the course available at: http://moorefo1ncuresearchdesign.blogspot.com/.

- Funding of proposals prepared for Research Methods course at NCU. "Under the hood" blog for the course available at: https://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/.

- Funding of proposal on deducing the ethical culture of companies and predicting business failure from social media posts prepared for a Statistics course at NCU.

- Funding of project to ascertain whether customers find it acceptable for businesses to use their cell phones to collect personal information covertly [to research how people feel about collection of data on their mobile devices which would not require regular questioning and interruptions (at a place such as Bryant Park in NY) vs. regular interruptions at the park to collect data on their preferences and so on face-to-face via surveys/questionnaires]. I came up with the idea for this research while enjoying Bryant Park during an ordeal in New York.

Three of the proposals are from papers prepared for a NCU PhD course. I am told that I cannot make these papers available online (independently). It makes no sense to me.

(Screenshot of my LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahmeenaodetta/)

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Updated LinkedIn profile

I worked on my LinkedIn profile yesterday. I moved things around and added sections to come up with a profile that "sells" my research projects. I am seeking funding for several projects. I like what I came up with.

It is my birthday today. Happy birthday to me!!

From my LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahmeenaodetta/:

Friday, July 8, 2022

Linden Guyana

Yesterday's post on the Secondary School Entrance Examinations (Common Entrance exams) got me thinking about Linden, Guyana, South America. Two of my boards in Pinterest have information on Linden and Guyana:



I had some good days in Linden. I took piano lessons with Mr. Smart on Mora Street. With him, I wrote the first level of a music exam administered in England. I didn't continue my piano lessons at President's College (but I did play the flute in a band like I did at school in Linden). I took a school bus to Watooka Day School every morning (some mornings I just didn’t make it in time). It was a long ride to school. In my year, Linden did extremely well at the Common Entrance exams. About ten students got the grade required to qualify for entry into the President's College. Only two ended up there. I was one of them - I passed the entrance tests. If I had not been selected, I would have attended Queen's College in Georgetown. Linden is not a major city like Georgetown but still does well at the Common Entrance exams. Linden has changed.

Just some random thoughts on my hometown.

Thinking about this, I realize now, but didn't back then, that my Electronics teacher at President's College looked like (or reminds me of) Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

(Pinterest board on Linden, Guyana, South America)


(Pinterest board on Guyana and CARICOM)

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Using HTML for Blog

More on the Blog: Completing the PhD-Level Research Methods course at NCU https://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/ from yesterday....

I stumbled upon a post on creating the header for the blog - I used HTML in the Blogger/Blogspot settings to create a table to organize the information in the header.  I learned how to create tables on websites using HTML at UMBC. I was rusty at the time so I needed to look up the syntax/code (for HTML tables) at W3Schools.com.



(From Blog post: https://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/2016/08/internet-up-again.html)







(From blog: https://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/)

I learned a lot of HTML and CSS at UMBC. I recall an assignment to practice using CSS to add styles to various elements on a webpage. There was a long list of items to use CSS for. It was very interesting.

In other news....

Students will be writing the country-wide Secondary School Entrance Examination (NGSA also known as the Common Entrance Examination) today and tomorrow in Guyana. I recall my exams so long ago. Good luck to all the students.

See article:
Nervous but confident: Grade six pupils begin writing NGSA today

(Guyana Chronicle article https://guyanachronicle.com/2022/07/06/nervous-but-confident-grade-six-pupils-begin-writing-ngsa-today/)

(LinkedIn profile of Fahmeena Odetta Moore https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahmeenaodetta/)

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Changes to Research Areas

I made a change to the Online Review and Consumer Analytics research area/topic shown on my LinkedIn profile. It is now the Consumer Analytics and Competitive Intelligence area. I did select Competitive Intelligence as a topic in one of my earlier papers at NCU. I don't have a copy of that paper.

The Technology and Risk area seems too broad. I wanted to add Ethics because it is related. I also wanted to add Employee Productivity because it is related to Employee Monitoring. I decided to leave it as is (for now). I wrote several papers on the risk employees present when technology policies are not followed. Here is a screenshot showing the problem of employee risk I wrote for the Research Methods course.








(Blog post: http://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/2016/07/i-received-feedback-from-professor-and.html)
From blog: Completing the PhD-level Research Methods course at NCU

Looking back at past screens is so nostalgic. I noticed that I had the same header (with purple and green ribbons) back then. I wore purple ribbons as part of my uniform at President's College.

Screenshot of my LinkedIn profile showing my research areas:






