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Usability - More explanation

Usability is a challenging topic and there are outstanding, capable professionals in the field (See my post on renowned usability expert J. ...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Commencement Documents

I found the 2010 UMBC Winter Commencement document online (at: https://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/digital/api/collection/UPUB/id/7857/download).  I am listed as a candidate for the Master's Degree from the College of Engineering and Information Technology on page 17 (see below). I actually missed my graduation/commencement ceremony, but I did graduate.








This reminds me of the graduation program created for my graduation ceremony at President's College. It contained a list of the candidates for graduation (graduands). Of course, my name was included there.

I don't believe George Washington University uses a commencement document. I do remember ordering a book/listing of all graduates from the university a long time ago. Maybe that is their thing.

This is a lot on education. I know some people don't view education as important or necessary for success. Come to think of it, years ago, when I was much younger, I did not want to complete a PhD. At some point, I believed it was the right thing to do based on my circumstances, and so on. And, I am happy I started that program.

Isn't it interesting that there was a guy with a PhD in my master's degree program at GW? And, later, there was a professor in my training program at Fannie Mae?

Just thoughts. 

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