FEATURED POST - To view full post, click the title below

Feeling Good; Rehab 1yr anniversary

 It is a good afternoon in Linden Guyana! I am not doing much and I am feeling good. My right eye feels a little funny but I feel good overa...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Friday, September 29, 2023

Delivery in Georgetown

During the past week, in addition to nourishing home-cooked food, I had restaurant food from Fireside Chill and Grill. Today I had a small order delivered (some photos attached). The delivery was good but not as speedy as I hoped.

Home delivery of restaurant food seems to be common around the world. Here is a video by a travel blogger showing home delivery of food from a Thai restaurant: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dD6RKgYqmO8&pp=ygUPbWFyYyB3ZWlucyBob21l

Delivery guy in Georgetown Guyana by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Food delivery in Georgetown Guyana by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Update 9/29

I am still “tying up loose ends” (taking care of business ) from Georgetown, Guyana. I am in contact with CVS Pharmacy about my medication. When I was in the US, the CVS on Annapolis Road in New Carrollton was “my” CVS. Maybe the medication could be transferred to a pharmacy in Georgetown.

I will work to complete two unfinished papers and submit for publishing. One of those papers is the paper on knowledge sharing. Did you know that the knowledge sharing paper was an extension of my “original” organizational structure paper? I included some of this detail in the Method section shown below.

Phone screenshot of knowledge sharing paper by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

CVS Pharmacy Messenger messages Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Another Georgetown Memory

My second memory involves the Queen. I was one of hundreds of people lining the streets in Georgetown when the Queen visited Guyana in 1995. I was living with my aunt at the time (in Meadowbrook Gardens) to attend the University of Guyana. My aunt told me I could go out just out front of the house to catch a view of the Queen as she passed by.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Georgetown Memory

Over 30 years ago, my father bought a guitar for my birthday in Georgetown, Guyana. I don’t recall the location of the music store we visited (the street the store was on), but I recall selecting a guitar from about 5 or 6 options. I opted for a yellow guitar. This is a good memory.

Update 9/27

Good morning from Georgetown, Guyana. I am feeling well and ready to take on the day. I noticed that the Xfinity plan (service on my Apple phone - shown here https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2023/09/new-carnival-in-guyana.html?m=1 ) switched over to the local mobile service in Guyana - I saw Digicel and then GT&T as shown below. My phone number (240-354-2699) and everything else on my phone is the same. Impressive! A seamless transition from one country to the next!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Update 9/26

I am thankful for a lot today. I received a few things I needed due to coordination and assistance from family members. Help is all around and all over.

I am including an interesting verse stored as a pin in Pinterest.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Away from home but still need to work..

I am still in Georgetown, Guyana. I would like to get some work (school-related work) done today but I am having trouble with my old laptop. I am hoping the charging issues will be resolved soon. I was not aware of this issue when I left the US. The laptop was in “storage” for years. I bought it for my mother who never really used it. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Update 9/22

It is cooler in Georgetown, Guyana today. I am currently planning my day - I need a few things, including some fruits and personal items, I need to handle my credit card/banking situation, and so on and am not sure how it will all work out just yet.

I feel like I am on vacation (and that is a good thing!). I am “away from the usual” and in a different environment. I need that right now. I had to deal with a lot during the last 3-5 years (health issues, surgery, complications etc.). I am not running away from anything, just enjoying life.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Restaurant Order

I ordered food from Fireside Grill Georgetown using WhatsApp and Zelle (I found their information online). It was my first WhatsApp order. The food was good.

Fireside Grill order Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Fireside Grill drinks

Another Day In Georgetown 9/21

It is another beautiful morning in Georgetown, Guyana!

I finished “tying up” a lot of what I needed to during the last few days (I did all of this on my phone). For example, I canceled my car insurance at GEICO. I needed to do this since I no longer own the vehicle and should not be paying to insure it (I received payment for the loss of my vehicle in an accident - from the other guy’s insurance company. It was a few thousand dollars).

I received that insurance payment exactly 20 days ago. I moved shortly after receiving that payment just as I planned. I was planning and getting ready in the days and weeks leading up to the move. I wasn’t sure how things would work out. I had trouble with packages and so on.

It all worked out. Glory be to Almighty God!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Update 9/20

It is a new day in #GeorgetownGuyana. I can hear the hustle and bustle out on the street. I am in some pain (feet hurt, and so on) but I am feeling good. I can’t wait to have some fruit juice, Chinese food, and other delicious eats.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Update 9/19

I am staying in today. I will be online checking email, catching up on the news, and so on. There are a few emails I left for later that I need to respond to (or deal with).

Monday, September 18, 2023

In Georgetown

I am now situated and ready to “move around” Georgetown. I had some issues finding a place earlier. I flew to Guyana on an American Airlines flight/aircraft. I needed to change my flight because of issues getting to New York JFK from MD. It all worked out.


Facebook post by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hotel altercation

Had an altercation with a hotel staff member about my room left dirty. I get very upset over false accusations. I insisted that the room was not a mess and had photos to prove it. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Food At Starbucks

And a snack/lunch at Starbucks



Breakfast At Mexican Restaurant - Second Post

Had special eggs today at a nice Mexican restaurant. I ate at one of the tables (and it was recorded too). There was a camera. 

I am seeing cameras all over - at restaurants and other businesses, and so on. This reminds me of the lab at my apartment community in Gainesville. There was a camera there too. You could see the camera in the video (included in my previous post https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2023/08/papa-johns-for-dinner.html?m=1)

Eggs and sausage(1)

Mexican Restaurant(1)

Mexican Restaurant(2)

Dealt With Issues

I was a little disappointed by some events today (things derailed a little bit) but I am back on track. 

Dealt with scheduling issues - check
Dealt with hair braiding - check

My photos from my hair braiding appointment are attached. I was a walk-in.

Hair braiding(1)

Hair braiding(2)

Hair Braiding(3)

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Interesting Combination

Flaming Hot Cheetos with my Amazon Fire

The Amazon Fire is better than the old laptop I left home with (easier to use). It is not perfect though. This previous post on the Fire explains why: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2023/01/emergency-test.html?m=1

Combination Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Friday, September 8, 2023

Interesting Fact

There is a view of Georgetown via webcam at worldcam.eu.

(Today I using an old laptop that I left home with. The operating system is Windows 8.1 which is a little difficult.)

Guyanese Complexities

Guyana is a simple country but it is also complex because there are peculiarities. To provide a short example…. The weather is tropical and stable throughout the year. However, there are sometimes “different” weather events. For example, on a hot day, there could be a sudden rain shower that lasts a fairly short time. The seasons from colder climates (winter, summer, fall/autumn, and spring) do not really exist there. There are periods of heavy rainfall and so on. In addition, Guyanese refer to the time a fruit is in “bountiful supply” as the time for the fruit or its season. In other words, fruits have “seasons” - there is a lot available (produced by the trees) at certain times of the year. There are different types/varieties of some fruits - for example there are different types of bananas such as cayenne banana, apple banana, and so on.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Being Merry

I recall there was a lot of music and singing in Guyana. “School children” sang patriotic/national songs in school. Neighbors sang along to music from the radio or from their “music system.” Everyone seemed to know “oldies.” Riders sang along to music in minibuses etc. I remember the music piece “PC Nights” that was based on the beats that floated back to us from the President’s College “neighborhood.” I recall there was a lot of dance too. The dancing and singing makes me think of being merry.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


I had an interesting memory item from Facebook today (the system selects/retrieves a past post based on today's date). The memory item reminded me of the concept map I prepared showing how concepts from my signature assignment on employee monitoring connect. I thought of a diagram because I had trouble staying within the word limit for a section of the paper.

Screenshot of Facebook memory item for Fahmeena Odetta Moore


Link to diagram: http://fmooreconceptmapmonitoringperformance.blogspot.com/

(The diagram fits better on a Blogger/Blogspot blog)

Word Use In Guyana

I associate some words with Guyana. I have not heard them since leaving the country. One of them is stanza. Another is invoke. In Guyana, the word hot is complicated. Hot is not only related to heat (being hot because the temperature is hot). A child could be "hot" because of the way they behave. I recall a woman telling her daughter that she is "lil and hot."

Search results for work invoke by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


Posted in Facebook:

I am using Facebook a lot more for short quick updates. I guess it is convenient.


A lot going on right now

I am dealing with a lot right now but still able to “hold it together.” I am trying to make sense of all this. I hope to move soon. I am trying to live right and do what is best for me.

Facebook post by Fahmeena Odetta Moore(1)

Facebook post by Fahmeena Odetta Moore(2)
Facebook post by Fahmeena Odetta Moore(3)

Paper For Publishing Status

I need to work on the knowledge sharing paper some more before submitting. I really like this paper.

Section of paper on knowledge sharing by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

School Uniforms In Guyana

I recall that 'ready made' "school clothes" were not widely available in Guyana.

I recall those days in Guyana when the Government required "school children" to wear a uniform. During my primary school years, students all over the country wore "brown and cream" with brown ribbons. Some students looked forward to the first day of school (after the long summer break) because they got to wear brand new "school clothes." I believe parents all over the country paid seamstresses to sew the required uniforms since they could not be bought in stores 'ready made'. Instead, the fabric for the "school clothes" as well as the ribbons were sold in stores. I recall that customers would order a "yard and a half" of brown fabric, for example, for their needs. Gabardine was popular. School clothes had to be neatly pressed so that the child appears neat and clean at school. Children had to behave a certain way when dressed in uniform. This makes me think of the discipline that students and teachers had back then.

The requirements for school uniforms changed years later. Children started wearing different uniforms - different colors and different styles. It is easier to identify the school of a student because of the different uniforms. 'Ready made' "school clothes" may be widely available now. I am not certain.


I was surprised to see an article on learning from mistakes. It reminded me of my Lessons Project. Learning from mistakes leads to error reduction and more successful results/outcomes. As I stated in a previous post, I am interested in ways to reduce errors (Link to post: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2022/08/human-error.html).

The article:
The culture of learning from mistakes: How employees handle mistakes in everyday work
By: Christian Harteis, Johannes Bauer, Hans Gruber

Screenshot of article on learning from mistakes by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Monday, September 4, 2023

Guyanese Pastries

Guyanese eat a lot of pastries. They are available for sale all over Guyana - in the big city (Georgetown) to remote areas. The most popular include: the pine tart, the patty, and the cheese roll. The picture below shows these three pastries. They look the same (in shape) all over Guyana. The Guyanese patty is similar to the Jamaican patty, but is circular in shape.

One day, it occurred to me that the shape of these pastries may have great significance. The shapes remind me of pieces in a technical drawing set.

Visit Guyana pastries






Sunday, September 3, 2023

Memories Of Guyanese Life

So far, I have posted quite a bit about my experiences in Linden and at Guyanese schools/institutions (President's College and Watooka Day School). That happened unconsciously. This week I will focus on my memories of Guyanese life.

I will begin with the "buse out." I recall that friends sometimes had a "buse out," neighbors sometimes had a "buse out," and so on. It is essentially a quarrel or verbal fight. I suppose it is verbal abuse. Verbal abuse involves cussing out the other person.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Linden Trade School

I'm very impressed that the Linden Technical Institute (aka Trade School) provided "well constructed" bunk beds to President's College recently. The post informed that it was an uphill task that they managed to accomplish.

The post shown below (along with a post on a survey I completed at that institution)....

Post on bunk beds by Linden Trade School for President's College, Guyana


 Picture showing old Facebook post on surveys, by Fahmeena Odetta Moore







More Green Tea

I decided to make some green tea. I just finishing making it and am enjoying the scent. I made quite a lot. I will enjoy the bowl (of green tea).

I received my insurance payment yesterday - payment for the loss of my vehicle (not for foot problems of other health issues).

Bowl of green tea, picture by Fahmeena Odetta Moore










Tall bowl of green tea, picture by Fahmeena Odetta Moore










Friday, September 1, 2023

Foot Update

My feet are better.

A few months ago, I was in the hospital with foot problems (I pretty much could not walk). The following post provides some information on my ordeal:

I had other problems with my feet before then too.

Attraction In Gainesville

In a previous post, I mentioned a small cathedral-like church in Gainesville. (Link to post: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2023/08/database-courses.html). I found an interesting video that provides more images of (a glimpse of) the church.

Link to the video I created way back in 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87vkKE1bLBc