FEATURED POST - To view full post, click the title below

Feeling Good; Rehab 1yr anniversary

 It is a good afternoon in Linden Guyana! I am not doing much and I am feeling good. My right eye feels a little funny but I feel good overa...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Monday, January 30, 2023

Travel Motivations

On the subject of travel....
People usually travel for vacation, for fun (to have a good time). But people also travel to countries such as Romania and China from the US. Could it be that people travel to investigate rumors or see scary things in person?

I checked reviews by travelers to both countries (some investigation, which is a change from reviewing research on online reviews). The travelers reported that they enjoyed their trips (see below).

Reviews of China - posted by Fahmeena Odetta Moore




 Reviews of Romania - posted by Fahmeena Odetta Moore






Sunday, January 29, 2023


I do not know what happened to the internet connection at home. I am currently using my phone. I guess I will be visiting the library or Starbucks soon. It has been a while since I completed a school assignment/paper in Starbucks. In the past, I sat in Starbucks and worked on important stuff.

Status Jan29

I am working on the hand hygiene paper to return to the publisher.

I am also thinking of ways to make passive income. Travel is one idea. Travel blogging is an option. There is the potential for lots of income. Did you see my LinkedIn travel profile? View the profile at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahmeena-odetta (it is one of several profiles I created in LinkedIn).

Fahmeena Odetta Moore LinkedIn travel profile

Google search results travel

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Success Research

Always good to find research that is similar to mine. This research by a Stanford professor investigated determinants/keys of success by identifying common traits in successful people:

Keys To Success: 6 Traits The Most Successful People Have In Common

My research looked at successful people who are “different.” They are from a different culture or behave/think differently. Hopefully it will be published soon.

(Posted earlier in LinkedIn)


It is definitely a time for prayer. I pray that Almighty God protects me and guides my path. I trust in Him - after all he is a God of miracles, a God of great cunning, a holy God that can achieve much. He is able and capable.

Did you know there are many prayers for safety and protection out on the blogosphere and internet? I found quite a few by Google search.

Prayer search results Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Prayer search results 2 Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Prayer search results 3 Fahmeena Odetta Moore


Eating a salad early in the morning….

Salad Fahmeena Odetta Moore

We eat a lot of salads in my family.

Time For Vacation?

I think I need a vacation (to get away from it all). I was on vacation a few months ago and it was so much fun. I used my vehicle - I drove through many states. And I updated this blog as I traveled. At one hotel, I was on the computer in the wee hours of the morning updating the blog and completing other tasks.

Home Security

With all the weird things happening around me, I am thinking of safeguarding my belongings and of home security. It is a time to be secure and safe. I guess it is all about a good security system. I know a little about home security companies. In the past (at an old address), I used Monotronics Security. They were good. My mom has used ADT Systems. They are good too. Brinks Security seems to be popular now.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Weird Stuff

There is something strange/weird happening in our house. I cannot find some of my mail. I don’t have the credit card the bank told me they sent. I don’t have the watch I mentioned in a previous post. My mom complains that someone went through her stuff in her bedroom. I think some of her stuff is missing. She also complains about the smell.

(Added so I have a record. I do not know what is happening.)

Blogs For Tracking, Pinterest, Cheese

A lot of people use blogs to capture important information/details in their lives or just to keep track of their activities. Blogs are good for this. However, in my opinion, blogs are not the best option for some types of tracking. An example is the tracking of boards/categories created in my main Pinterest profile Pinterest.com/fahmeenaodetta. I tracked creation of the boards in a Google Docs document (shared document that has a single contributor). The document includes a list of the boards and shows screenshots with other important details on the boards. The document can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1av9nWkA5cpqrZQlGs8-zGj05Ulz18mMNVt-EmN_7tpU/edit

On my Pinterest profile…..

I enjoyed creating that profile. I gave the boards creative titles. It involved research. Some of the board titles are complex. An example is the ‘Say Cheese’ board. ‘Say Cheese’ is usually associated with taking photographs. My Pinterest board includes information on cheeses. I have an interesting cheese history/background.

I recall all sort of things related to cheese. Fromage is French for cheese. In my high school French class, we learned a song about wine and cheese: “Le vin de ma tante est sur la table de mon oncle, Le fromage de mon oncle est sur la table de ma tante…” The teacher required us to prepare a new verse to go along with the song.

And like links in a chain, I recall that my high school French teacher organized a run to the David Rose School for handicapped children (for a good cause). 

Say Cheese Pinterest board

Foot Sprain

I found an interesting diary/blog on living with crutches to heal a broken ankle. The link is: https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/health-wellbeing/conditions/bones-joints/diary-of-a-broken-ankle

I understand a lot of the issues. I am dealing with some of them. The post on December 3 highlights the effort involved in going out. This is an issue for me. It was an issue when I was at the hospital a few days ago. When I was ready to go home, I decided not to take the metro (bus). Walking in from the bus stop would be a problem. The road is long and very hilly. I deal with other issues such as bathroom runs. The blog I found discusses showering with a broken ankle (Oct 29 post), but did not mention using the bathroom. I have a solution that solves some of the problems. I am not perfect, of course. (By the way, I grew up using different terminology for this - for example, bathing was a general term that covered showering and the use of buckets of water to clean oneself).

I do not have a broken ankle. I have sprains. The last sprain felt like a broken ankle though. I was in a lot of pain.

Google search results broken foot

Thursday, January 26, 2023


I have ideas on how to heal a person. Some of those ideas are in my Pinterest board/category ‘Healing.’ That board is pretty much research on healing (collection of things that should lead to healing).

Healing Board1 Fahmeena Odetta Moore
Healing Board2 Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Also book ‘Divine Healing Made Simple’
Healing Book Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Ride Home From Hospital

I waited for hours at the hospital to get a ride home. Timing was an issue for my mother. When she offered to come get me, it was too early. Then, Uber failed us. The Uber driver came to the emergency area and then drove off (without picking me up). I am not sure what happened. It was disappointing that the hospital does not provide rides for patients going home. I recall that Doctors Community Hospital provided a ride for me. That was much appreciated.

Hospital Pic1 Fahmeena Odetta Moore
Hospital Pic2 Fahmeena Odetta Moore
Hospital Pic3 Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Education Matters

My recent Facebook post on education:

Fahmeena Odetta Moore Facebook post

You can find the post I mentioned by searching for ‘UMBC’. Here is the link: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2022/11/there-is-lot-of-economics-in-my-papers.html?m=1 

Admin Tasks

I complete a lot of administrative tasks but I am not an Admin Assistant. I manage my finances and write letters to organizations, to name a few. I do not enjoy doing these tasks. Would you believe I am a sort of Business Manager for my mother? I prepare online letters/notes to my mom’s doctors, I pay bills, I apply for various assistance programs etc. Recently, I renewed her car registration online and paid her red light camera tickets. It is a daughter’s duty.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

IT Background

LinkedIn Profile Summary Fahmeena Odetta Moore

My LinkedIn summary states that I “moved into the Information Technology (IT) field … [and] got off to a rocky start in IT, but changed the situation by completing a technical degree that trained … in the more technical areas of IT.”

The rocky start refers to the issues I had when I first entered the IT field. I was part of a training program that was fraught with problems. The company found issue with just about every individual who completed the program including the professor who signed up for the training. Even the rabbi who taught several courses ran into trouble. When we started working on a team/unit, I encountered all sorts of problems. I recall leaving a particular BA project team because of how the members behaved (the attitude and reporting). I heard that they replaced me with a “better” Analyst so I do not view my leaving the project as an issue.

I found that using prior experience pays off - that is the rounded experience I mentioned.

PE Outfits

I saw a post that reminded me of the standard physical education (PE) outfits at President’s College (PC). First, there was a flared skirt pants that buttoned up on the left side. When I first got to PC, I was one of a few girls who did not have that skirt pants outfit to wear to PE. The sizes provided by the school were too small (I think the issue was that I did not have measurements taken before I got there). Next, there was the pants/shorts with buttoned flaps. I recall that we would unbutton the flaps to wave/support athletes during school sports.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Events Jan22

My day was very busy. I got seriously ill in the morning. I then decided to call 911 so the ambulance could take me to the hospital. I was at the hospital for several hours. I am currently waiting for a ride home.

I also decided to contact Channel 7 News about issues I’ve been dealing with recently. The I-Team at Channel 7 does a good job investigating issues and problems.

News story Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Channel 7 response Fahmeena Odetta Moore


A few months ago, I ordered a leather watch that was very similar to a watch I had years ago. That first watch that I wanted to replace had long straps that wrapped around my wrist a few times. I wore it all over - to work, to the movies, to church (Wildercroft CoC). The new watch I ordered had a larger face. The straps appeared just as long (unfortunately, I am still waiting for this watch to be delivered).

Watches with big faces appear to be the new thing. I found a lot of big-face watches for sale on the internet.

Watch order1 Fahmeena Odetta Moore Watch order2 Fahmeena Odetta Moore
Watch order3 Fahmeena Odetta Moore Watch order4 Fahmeena Odetta Moore
Large watches

Friday, January 20, 2023

Working, working, working

I am working on revising/updating the paper on hand hygiene compliance. Enjoying homemade mints too….

Homemade mints Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Hand hygiene compliance paper Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Learning by doing

Over the years, I have learned a lot from projects - personal projects, school-related projects, and so on. I am all about learning by doing. I guess I could write a book on this topic. 

Learning by doing 1

Learning by doing 2

Learning by doing 3

Thursday, January 19, 2023


Bananas provide potassium. Therefore, they are good for maintaining my potassium level (long ago I had a potassium deficiency). Pills also provide potassium.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023


I am enjoying my food and drink. I am thinking of continuing/replacing my food blog rather than add posts on food here.


Update Jan18

My feet are still healing. I am trying to stay away from stairs.

Feet Jan18 Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Video Using Amazon Fire

 Video test

Videotaped on my Fire (pic below). I like it so far. It is a little difficult to start the video after selecting Camera. The video option shows up to the left and then disappears.

Fire Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Monday, January 16, 2023

Update Jan16

I finally got to emails from publishers. I read them then decided on a course of action. I made some updates to the papers and submitted them to new journals. I hope they are accepted for publication.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Work To Continue

I continue work on my papers/articles for publishing tomorrow. Here is an interesting look at the history of one of my recent papers - the paper on arguments for how marketing professionals should be used in product development.

Marketing paper 1 Fahmeena Odetta Moore Marketing paper 2 Fahmeena Odetta Moore
Marketing paper 3 Fahmeena Odetta Moore Marketing paper 4 Fahmeena Odetta Moore
Marketing paper 5 Fahmeena Odetta Moore


I had a nightmare last night. I got up and am doing okay.

I am thinking of labels. Some people put appropriate labels on people, places, and things. These labels are based on what is contained in the thing, experiences with the thing/person/place, people associated with the thing or maybe how the thing looks or behaves. An example of labeling is the names of the cups at Starbucks - ‘grande’ for a small size, ‘tall’ for a larger size, ‘venti’ for the next larger size. I suspect that the labeling is based on Starbucks’ experience in another country (of course, these views are my own. Starbucks has nothing to do with this post.)

What if someone labels you as evil or some negative thing?

You could argue that it is not a bad thing if you discovered that a lot of other people were labeled the same way. Maybe it is necessary for the environment you are in. Or maybe there is an issue with the person doing/performing the labeling.

I guess arguments are important. It is also important for the label to match what is contained in the ‘container.’

Friday, January 13, 2023


My favorite color is blue. Blue edges out the other colors by a narrow margin. I like red, yellow, green and so on. I am not sure why I prefer blue. I just do. I have a lot of other preferences/likes, of course. Some match what the majority prefers. Some are different or unique. Take the songs from The Lion King as an example. I like the song that won several awards - Can You Feel The Love Tonight. But, I really do like the Circle of Life better. Here is my argument for why it is better:

I think the words/lyrics are better. Can You Feel The Love Tonight is about love and that is important. The Circle of Life is about life, people’s beliefs, and doing good in the world. It starts….

“From the day we arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun, there is more to be seen than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done.”

I think about birth (a new baby) and entrance into this crazy world. I think of unknowns (in outer space, the unexplainables in life, things we just don’t know of because we are not God).

Then, the next line is about our beliefs. “Some say eat or be eaten, some say live and let live”

This means it is all about competition (a dog eat dog world) for some. For some others, it is about peace.

“But all are agreed as we join the stampede, you should never take more than you give….In the circle of life, is the wheel of fortune, it’s a leap of faith, it’s a band of hope, till we find our place on the path unwinding, in the circle of life.”

We are all hoping for the best in the future…on that path unfolding/unwinding.

The second verse is even better.

“Some of us fall by the wayside and some of us soar to the stars. And some of us sail through our troubles and some have to live with the scars … but the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky keeps great and small on the endless round.”

Can you tell I am on a break?

Black And White

A lot of times color makes it better but black & white could still be appreciated. Here is a board I created in Pinterest called Black & White…


Screenshot of Pinterest Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Screenshot of Black & White Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Thursday, January 12, 2023

LinkedIn Benefit

I believe LinkedIn is good for providing additional information on a job seeker’s background - information that may not fit on a resume. My resumes are usually short. I carefully select the information to include. But my LinkedIn profile provides much more information such as additional duties performed and examples of my work (such as example reports prepared at the Office of the District of Columbia Auditor).

Update Jan12

Today, I am thinking of math during high school. I recently saw an article on one of my old math teachers - Mr. Savory. For some reason, I remember sitting in one of his classes in the second teaching block learning complex numbers. He taught me complex numbers, geometry, and some other important topics/areas. He was good. I was a good student.

Math was one of my favorite subjects. I enjoyed the challenge of figuring out how to solve a complex problem. I got pretty good at it. One time, a close friend brought a problem she had been trying to solve for a while. She said some of the other girls couldn’t solve it. I actually figured it out. I am still good at math/statistics. I enjoyed the PhD-level statistics courses.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Playing around in my room….

It is being cleaned today. My hair is still in braids.

Play Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Spare Time

For a long time, the Lessons Project was my hobby, i.e. what I did in my spare time. For some, sewing or croqueting is an enjoyable thing to do in their spare time. These people produce excellent work. Here is a croqueting project I completed while I was a student at Watooka Day School (an old post from my food blog).

Screenshot of food blog Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Croqueting project Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Trips To The Library

Over 15 years ago, when I was a student at UMBC, I visited the library everyday to use the Wi-Fi to work on assignments. I was at my mother’s house. I walked to the library everyday using a shortcut - I thought of it as the scenic way to get to the library.

A nice neighbor told us about the shortcut. Maybe she noticed that I was not my best ( I was a little ill). That neighbor was very friendly and kind. I played her piano on a rare occasion when I visited.

Saturday, January 7, 2023


I like debates. I grew up hearing all sorts of arguments and seeing people take different positions on issues. Sometimes I wondered why people are so biased. I recall that students at PC participated in several inter-school debates (this reminds me of Karen Renata Bonnett since she was on the debate team). I was never on a debate team. I do like debating/arguments though. One of my favorite weeks on The Lessons Project was the fallacies week - the week dealing with fallacies or errors in logic. It is all about strong arguments.

I am ready to debate a particular issue I am dealing with right now. There must be a case if there is an issue.

Interesting Books To Read

Here are two interesting books I discovered recently.

Book 1 Fahmeena Odetta Moore









 Book 2 Fahmeena Odetta Moore