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Usability - More explanation

Usability is a challenging topic and there are outstanding, capable professionals in the field (See my post on renowned usability expert J. ...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Tuesday, June 21, 2022


One reason I started this blog was to practice writing. And I think my writing is improving.
However, I am thinking that I should practice diagramming in addition to writing because I have had much success with diagramming/modeling during my career. At the ICF/Lockheed Martin job, for instance, the FAA liked a diagram I prepared on a business process. At Fannie Mae, an activity diagram I prepared to explain/document a business process was well received by managers.

I did not prepare/create a lot of diagrams during my PhD studies. Only a few papers included diagrams. The diagrams I prepared included concept maps and a BPMN diagram.

One paper required modeling/documentation of a business process. The paper is no longer available online, but the diagrams are. If I remember correctly, I included a link to the online diagrams in the paper. Here is the link: https://fmoorereqprocessflow.blogspot.com/
The diagram documented the process I followed on a Requirements Team. It was close to a general requirements process so I was okay with sharing it.

I need to add diagramming to my LinkedIn profile somehow.





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