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Feeling Good; Rehab 1yr anniversary

 It is a good afternoon in Linden Guyana! I am not doing much and I am feeling good. My right eye feels a little funny but I feel good overa...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Monday, October 30, 2023


Good morning from Georgetown, Guyana! I am feeling stuffy today. I hope it will be a good day. There are a lot of things I don’t understand. I am trusting in Almighty God. 

I am thinking of the movie I saw of the Indian guy who survived the tiger while stranded at sea. That was a good movie! (and I guess my movie review).


I have a post in my blog on some of my father’s ideas for success. I thank him for his support. See the post here: https://fahmeenaodetta.blogspot.com/2022/08/happiness.html?m=1

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Analysis of Data

I used a lot of publicly available information on individuals for my Lessons Project. I did not contact all the individuals for additional data. I did contact some for comment. I apologize for any negative impacts tothose individuals. There are sometimes unauthorized biographies.

I selected individuals that were different - from different cultures, and so on that achieved much. There are LinkedIn articles on each person selected.

I encourage everyone to look at the information out there and make use of it in interesting ways. Ask the right questions, notice inconsistencies, and so on. 

I thank my family for support.


It is the Indian Festival of Lights - Diwali. What light shines in you?

Thoughts from Guyana

Everyone wants to be beautiful, but what is on the inside counts. I believe I am beautiful inside and out (of course, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder). I am a lot fatter now - I was skinny. I would like to lose the weight.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Job competition

Thoughts on Competition

To be among the best candidates for a job, there may be the need to retrain or acquire new skills. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Different perspectives

Thoughts on competition

Some may say nice guys finish last, but there are different perspectives on this. I recall reading about being likeable on LinkedIn. Giving back (sharing the bread) is also popular and it is not only a Christian thing. That may fall under ‘never taking more than you give’ from that Lion King song.

There are a lot of books/material on competition out there, but my experience and perspective is sure to be different. I grew up in a country (Guyana) that embraced socialism. I was in competitive situations since I was young. I was in a very competitive class at Watooka Day School. I also know quite a bit about competition and competitive behavior from:

- economics (perfect competition and so on), 

- competing for jobs (for example, I got into an IT Analyst/Consultant training program at a major organization without any connections. It would be nice to see the comments and evaluations of the folks who interviewed me), and 

- working at organizations.

(Feel free to send me comments, complaints, and any issues. My main email address is moorefo1@gmail.com.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

First Thought On Competition

Thoughts on Competition

My first thought on competition:

To win the race is important. A strategy is needed. Some people want to be the nice guy / Miss Congeniality. Some desire to “take out the competition.” Careful selection of strategy is needed.

The Lord God Reigns

The Lord God Reigns.

When God is involved, good things should happen.


Sunny and Bright

It is a good day in Georgetown, Guyana! It was just raining (the rain came tumbling down). The rain stopped and the place is bright. I am thinking it will be a bright, sunshiny day. (So many ties to music!)

I just saw a woman in polka dots. It reminded me of the splash print that was popular in Guyana over 30 years ago.

Saturday, October 21, 2023


It is a nice day in Georgetown, Guyana. It is 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

It would be nice to walk around Georgetown today (to get some jamoon and other fruits - I saw somewhere that jamoon is in season, purchase a cone from Dairy Queen, enjoy a cheese roll, and so on. I will “get out” at some point.

I have some health issues - nothing to be very concerned about. FYI: I don’t need to be indoors, attached to a machine or anything like that. I am fine. I have what I need (for now).


It is a good morning in Georgetown, Guyana! May God watch over me this day.

Friday, October 20, 2023


Some time ago, I decided to make usability/user experience my main topic. I guess I specialize in usability (specialization is important).

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Guyanese Chinese Food


All Me

There is so much of me in my work. Even the course blogs I created for personal tracking of my PhD course activities say a lot about me. For example, the blog I created for the Research Methods course (http://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/?m=0) includes images that say a lot about my background, such as the UG dorm, a red and white flute phone, and a photo of a presentation on Guyana. I stayed at the UG dorm during my first year at the university. I was given a red and white flute phone at Watooka Day School so I could play in the school band.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Good morning from Georgetown, Guyana! Google’s search page shows my location as: Tiger Bay, Georgetown!

Monday, October 16, 2023

Cold Beverages

Drinking cold beverages on a hot day in Guyana….

Fun Things

It is Monday morning in Georgetown, Guyana! (Yes, I am away from the US - I am in Guyana, South America, the country of my birth). Guyana is a good place for a vacation. There is nice weather and lots to do. It is good place to “play.”

I had fun times in Guyana. I remember enjoying “fun days” and fairs (the Linden fair) and kite flying and so on. Even mass games was fun (but a lot of work too). I participated in mass games twice. I was about 7 years old when I participated in mass games for the first time. I was a student at Watooka Day. I remember our chapter was called Chapter Welcome. I trained for the mass games using a tin cover.

Saturday, October 14, 2023


Hands are important. People accomplish a lot using their hands. This reminds me of a croquet project I completed at Watooka Day School. I learned to use my hands for creating pieces such as a colorful “stitch” display. I should have included prints of my hands (similar to footsteps / foot prints in the sand). That would have taken it up a notch!

I haven’t worked on a croquet project or art project in a while. It would be nice to work on something for the art competition by the University of Guyana, but I don’t believe I can do my best work in just a few. I learned of the competition only yesterday. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Future

I like today’s verse at BibleGateway.com (see pic below). I saw this verse all over (at several locations, in different states) in the US. From this verse I get that God does not want me to fail. I should trust that everything will work out..on that path unwinding.

Of course, I would like Almighty God to be involved in my future (I like to use the term “path unwinding” from the ‘Circle of Life’ - see my previous post on this song: 


Monday, October 9, 2023

Early Morning Photo

An early morning photo of a small area of the city before the hustle and bustle. It was quiet - road bare, businesses not yet open - at 6 am.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Black Option

A black credit card launched, a black food container - it seems that people in Guyana are used to/comfortable with black (and other dark colors such as brown). I recall that black is one of the colors included in the Guyana flag - it symbolizes strength and endurance.

Saturday, October 7, 2023


Posted earlier in Facebook:

It is a new morning in Georgetown, Guyana! I am up and feeling much better. Yesterday was rough. I was out most of the day dealing with issues connected with my debit/credit card. I tried to use my debit/credit card at 3 banks. I figured out that the five-digit pin for my card (set up by Bank of America in the US - I believe this is standard) was an issue. Everything is better and I am looking forward to a better day.

My laptop still does not work. It could be that the scan at the airport security checkpoint affected it. I am working to fix it soon.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Signature Assignment Prepared In Guyana

I completed about 10 signature assignments at NCU. One of those signature assignments was prepared from Georgetown, Guyana - the signature assignment on IKEA Operations (prepared for the Business Environment course). I traveled to Guyana five years ago after my ordeal in New York. I completed most of the assignments for the course in New York. I had two assignments left, the week 7 assignment and the signature assignment (see http://fmoorephdbus7110.blogspot.com/2018/10/different-location-no-problems.html?m=0). 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


I held some interesting, rewarding positions/jobs. The consulting/contracting position at the FAA was one of them (see LinkedIn profile). At the FAA (a contractor through ICF International/Lockheed Martin), I worked on system requirements, including reporting requirements, and assisted with other duties such as training on new system functionality. I use my background a lot in my PhD papers. For example, for an assignment at Northcentral University, I modeled a requirements process.

LinkedIn profile Fahmeena Odetta Moore -2

Diagram by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

Monday, October 2, 2023

Water through outside pipes

In a lot of homes in Guyana, there are tanks for storing water for use in the home. The tanks may channel/run the water to the kitchen sink, bathroom, and so on, but it is different from the way water is made available through the faucet (“kitchen sink pipe”) or bathroom in the US. There are also outside pipes that provide water (separate from a tank - maybe in Linden mostly). I like the outside pipes.

Water tanks

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Verse on hard work


Hard Work

After seeing the Wordpress prompt for today (10/1/2023), I decided to work on a quick response.

My response:

I always expect to produce a good paper after hard work. The hard work involves understanding key concepts, looking at the problem from different perspectives, developing an argument, explaining my understanding in an effective manner. I usually feel good after I produce/prepare a good paper.

I like to take it step by step. There are usually key steps involved in preparing anything. Keys steps are important for success. I like to use my background so that there is a lot of “me” in the project or paper (my information). Then I can say that my stamp is on it. There is a lot of my understanding and “wisdom” involved. 

The hard work is important when preparing a paper or working on a project. There is a saying where I am from that when you put in the hard work, it is yours for all eternity. It is essentially saying you will not lose it easily or it cannot be easily taken away from you – no ‘easy come easy go.’

Wordpress prompt 10/1/2023

Wordpress prompt response Fahmeena Odetta Moore