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Usability - More explanation

Usability is a challenging topic and there are outstanding, capable professionals in the field (See my post on renowned usability expert J. ...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Travel and Linden

My last post included a paper/journal article on the trustworthiness of travel and tourism information on Ethiopia available on social media. I know that there are a lot of travel resources online. There are websites such as https://www.visitmaryland.org/ that promotes Maryland, USA. There is the Visit Guyana page in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/gotoguyana/), and much more.

Years ago, I started a project 'O Beautiful Linden' to assist and promote my hometown Linden, Guyana (links: https://twitter.com/BeautifulLinden and https://www.facebook.com/O-Beautiful-Linden-200814747322545/). Linden is special to me for a number of reasons. I still remember the special 9+ prize I received when graduating from Watooka Day School in Linden. I am grateful. I found only nice comments on Linden in Twitter. I added (retweeted) them to the Twitter page.

I have fond memories of Watooka Day School. The students in my class were friendly and smart. The classrooms were air-conditioned. The swings (playground) on the school grounds were fun. I remember I visited a friend's house to watch Michael Jackson videos. We played special games. I remember one girl was really tall and skinny. There was a boy who always got into trouble. Most students were Christian (there was one Muslim).

I created a Pinterest board on Linden: https://www.pinterest.com/fahmeenaodetta/linden-my-hometown/.

(From https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahmeenamoore/)  

('O Beautiful Linden' Twitter page)

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