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Usability - More explanation

Usability is a challenging topic and there are outstanding, capable professionals in the field (See my post on renowned usability expert J. ...

I completed 11 signature assignments - significant papers with original ideas. In one paper, I foresaw specific problems at a major company. In another, I designed a study (with statistical analyses) to explain why videos do not significantly enhance or improve online reviews. I worked alone. My signature assignments available at: https://fahmeenaodettasignaturepapers.tumblr.com


Friday, April 14, 2023

Interesting Projects

In LinkedIn, I stumbled upon a request for old essays for an AI-project. The researcher - Dr. Stephens - is working on creating an AI-powered teaching assistant. It is very interesting. I am thinking of providing some of my old essays.

The AI project by Dr. Stephens reminds me of another project I contributed to. I was an evaluator of a master's thesis prototype (system) to automatically extract UML class models from natural language requirements text. That research was interesting too. I was happy to review the extracted class models, prepare "Analyst-created" models for comparison (an example is included below), and complete a questionnaire. I hope the guy publishes the paper/research in a journal.

My comment in LinkedIn (on the project to create an AI-powered teaching assistant):

LinkedIn comment by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

The project to extract UML class models from NL requirements text:

Acknowledgements section of paper showing Fahmeena Odetta Moore

A domain model by Fahmeena Odetta Moore

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