I found a really interesting paper on the development of a dashboard for an emergency room in Seoul. The researchers designed the dashboard iteratively (over several rounds) then tested its usability. The paper is:
A Real-Time Autonomous Dashboard for the Emergency Department: 5-Year Case Study
By: Junsang Yoo, Kwang Yul Jung, Taerim Kim, Taerim Lee, Sung Yeon Hwang, Hee Yoon, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Hansol Paeng, Jong Soo Choi, Won Chul Cha
There were 2 subprojects: a dashboard for providers and a dashboard for patients and families. The dashboards fell under a Happiness project at the institution (called "Happinovation" - Happy innovation) that sought to enhance patient and provider happiness through process and hardware innovations.
There were three dashboard principles: (1) Anytime, Anywhere, at a Glance, (2) Minimal Interruption to Workflow, and (3) Protect Patient Privacy. And, there were three design principles: (1) Geographical Layout, (2) Patient-Level Alert, and (3) Real-Time Summary Data.
The researchers used the System Usability Scale (SUS) to obtain and measure participants' views on the usability of the dashboard. The SUS score was a high 67.6 points.
There was a lot of data to include in the dashboards so they were a little crowded/busy. I personally felt that they were too dark, but the dark color made the numbers pop (more visible).